AMS 200: Research and Teaching in AMS
Monday 9:20-10:55am, Oakes Acad room 222
Class schedule
September 26: Graduate program overview (A. Kottas)
October 3: Presentation by science librarian Christy Hightower
October 10: Computational resources (N. Brummell)
October 17: LaTex and writing (D. Lee & D. Venturi)
October 24: LaTex and presentations (J. Lee & R. Guhaniyogi)
October 31: TA/GSR training and information (H. Lee)
November 7: Public speaking I (D. Draper)
November 14: Public speaking II (D. Draper)
November 21: Q&A with senior grad students
November 28: Ethics (Q. Gong)